Article taken from "Backsights"
Magazine published by Surveyors Historical Society
Gregory Spies
On the high seas, as well as in Europe, the war between the French and
English continued until the fall of 1762 - the advantage resting almost
uniformly with the English. At last, on the 10th of February, 1763, a treaty was
ratified at Paris, that put an end to the American intercolonial wars. By its
provisions, France gave to England all her possessions in America "east of
the Mississippi, from its source to the river Iberville, and through Lakes
Maurepas and Pontchartrain to the Gulf of Mexico". Spain, which had also
been involved in war with England, ceded East and West Florida to that country
in exchange for Havanna, while France gave to Spain Louisiana, whose enormous
area, it will be remembered, exceeded that of the whole surrendered territory.
In 1781 Don Bernardo de Galvez, Spanish governor of Louisiana, having
previously taken Mobile, besieged and captured Pensacola, thus completing the
re-conquest of West Florida.
Meanwhile, the Revolutionary War was being won on many fronts, and the
British were withdrawing. By separate treaties drawn in Paris in 1783, the
independence of the U.S. was acknowledged, and West Florida was ceded back to
Spain. This provoked a boundary dispute.
1763 the British had moved the boundary to 32 degrees 28 minutes of North
Latitude or approximately the latitude of the mouth of the Yazoo River. They had
realized that the 31st parallel was too far South of fortified trading outposts
on the Mississippi, Alabama, Tombigbee and Chattahoochee Rivers. Naturally,
Spain in 1783 claimed to the more northerly boundary of British West Florida by
right of conquest.
To make matters worse, the Spanish authorities issued orders forbidding U.S.
citizens to navigate the Mississippi River under "pain of arrest and
confiscation of their property". On June 29, 1784 the Spanish foreign
minister, the Conde de Florida-Blanca, defined the Spanish definition of the
U.S./Spanish West Florida boundary: Beginning at the mouth of the Apalachicola,
the line followed by the river Northward to its confluence with the Flint River,
thence up the Flint to its source, thence northward in a straight line to the
headwaters of the Hiawassee River, thence down the Hiawassee to its confluence
with the Tennessee River, thence down the Tennessee to its juncture with the
Ohio River, thence down the Ohio to the Mississippi River. The Spanish were, in
effect, claiming the vast majority of the territory encompassing the Indian
Nations of the Southeast - the Creek, the Cherokee, the Chickasaw and the
After many years of turmoil, finally, the Treaty of San Lorenzo el Real, also
known as the Pinckney Treaty (1795), was ratified. In it, Spain agreed that U.S.
citizens would have the right to free navigation on the Mississippi River and
that U.S. citizens would have the right to use the Port of New Orleans for
trade. The second article of the treaty addressed the long disputed boundary
between Spain and the U.S.. The "line of demarcation" was fixed at the
31st parallel of North Latitude between the Mississippi River and the
Chattahoochee River, thence on a line down the Chattahoochee to the mouth of the
Flint River, thence on a line to the headwaters of the St. Mary's River, thence
down that river to the Atlantic Ocean. The third article stipulated that both
Spain and the U.S. would appoint a commissioner and a surveyor to participate in
a joint expedition to mark the agreed-upon boundary.
George Washington appointed Major Andrew Ellicott and Major Thomas Freeman as
Commissioner and Surveyor, respectively. The Spanish King Charles IV appointed
the Governor of Louisiana, Baron de Carondolet and Lieutenant Colonel Guillimard.
Of the four appointees, Andrew Ellicott was the only one to actually participate
in the survey that delineated the 31st parallel.
It would take Ellicott and his men almost four years to complete the arduous
survey, in the wildest terrain, with very few supplies, and with little
encouragement from the localities. A contemporary, Bernard Romans, wrote in
1775: "Travelling through the uninhabited part of the woods, falling to the
share of every person, who arrives present in Florida, it cannot be amiss to say
a few words about it: whether you go by water or land it is most necessary to
carry with you powder, shot, and a fowling piece; provide yourself with rice, or
such bread as you like best to use; a hunter is necessary and utensils for
dressing provisions; always before night allow yourself at least one hour's time
to prepare fire wood, for this must be used in summer as well as in winter to
rarify the air round the camp; always lay with your feet to the fire, and you
are out of danger of catching cold; if you are in a country where warring
savages resort, keep up a large fire all night, and be sure to put some hats on
poles near the fire, this will protect you from their attempts, unless they are
at war with ourselves...". But Ellicott prevailed; in this time (an
abbreviated chronology of the expedition follows), Ellicott made more than four
hundred astronomical observations for establishing the boundary.
His technique and equipment, far surpassing any others of the period, were
meticulous as ever. As Silvio Bedini notes in his Life of Benjamin Banneker:
"Ellicott preferred to establish his main encampment on the top of the
highest available elevation in the region to be surveyed, and he customarily
sought the protection of trees or the edge of a forest for additional protection
when possible. The focal point of his operation was the observatory tent, which
Ellicott located by tracing a meridian and then laying off an angle from it. It
was at this observation point that he set up his large zenith sector and near
which he placed his astronomical clock. The clock was a critical factor to all
his observations, the one piece of equipment that habitually presented the most
problems. It was a precision timekeeper, liable to derangement from many causes.
Vibrations from movements upon the ground nearby, changes in temperature, and
any contact with it might cause inaccuracy. For this reason he usually set the
clock upon the stump of a tree which he had cut down for that purpose. He then
erected his observatory tent over the sector and the clock and his other
instruments. Other tents for sleeping and for meals were then set up in the
vicinity, and an area was provided nearby for tethering the horses."
"By far the most important of Ellicott's instruments was the larger of
his two zenith sectors, which was nearly six feet long, and by means of which
meridional observations were made through an opening in the top of the tent. It
had been made for him by David Rittenhouse and he had added his own
modifications. It was probably the most accurate scientific instrument in
America at that time. It was used for determination of the latitude by
observation of stars near the zenith. Observations would be made of six or seven
stars as they crossed the meridian at different times of the night, and the
observations would be repeated a number of nights over a period of time.
Ellicott had remarked in some of his writings that when the stars were so near
the zenith they were affected by the different refractive powers of the
atmosphere which derived from the varying degrees of density. He found that the
error of the visual axis could be reduced to a reasonable minimum by taking
zenith distances of the stars with the plane, or face, of the sector alternately
facing east or west. The figures derived in this manner were averaged, corrected
for refraction, aberration and nutation were applied, and then a comparison was
made with the data in published star catalogues. Determination of the latitude
was accomplished from this comparison, based on each of the stars
The bicentennial of Andrew Ellicott's expedition to run a "line of
demarcation" between the United States' Mississippi Territory and Spanish
West Florida will begin in September 1996 and will extend through May 2000. To
begin the ceremonies, a seminar will be presented in April 1996 (see box
article). The focus will be on the social and political events that shaped the
survey, Ellicott's journey, his astronomical observations and survey work, all
in the context of the original ground and existing monumentation.
10/27/1795 Treaty of San Lorenzo el Real (Pinckney Treaty). Spain &
U.S. settle boundary dispute between Florida & U.S. Territory as the 31st
parallel of north latitude.
5/4/1796 U.S. President Washington appoints Major Andrew Ellicott as
Commissioner to survey & mark the U.S./Spanish boundary.
9/16/96 Ellicott leaves Philadelphia to begin journey to Natchez for
meeting with Spanish commissioner & surveyor.
9/28/96 Ellicott arrives in Pittsburgh, where his military escort joins
the expedition.
11/25/96 Arrival in Cincinnati.
12/8/96 Arrival in Louis Ville; Ellicott hires a commissary to procure
provisions for expedition.
12/17/96 Passes the mouth of the Tennessee River.
12/18/96 Arrival at the mouth of the Ohio River.
2/1/97 Detained overnight on the Mississippi River by a Spanish galley
2/2/97 Detained at Spanish fort at New Madrid for 2 days.
2/8/97 Arrival at Spanish fort at Chickasaw Bluffs.
2/15/97 Detained by Col. Howard, an "Irish gentleman in the service
of His Catholic Majesty, who had two armed galleys with him".
2/19/97 Arrival at Walnut Hills where there are "considerable
Spanish works".
2/24/97 Arrival in Natchez. Begins lengthy correspondence with Baron de
Carondolet and Gayoso concerning the Commencement of the Survey. (Spaniards
begin long series of delaying excuses).
3/15/97 Ellicott's military escort arrives at Natchez. Spanish continue
to delay.
7/1/97 Inhabitants elect committee to govern the new U.S. territory.
12/1/97 U.S. Army arrives in Natchez.
4/9/98 Ellicott leaves Natchez.
4/10/98 Arrival in Clarksville.
5/2/98 Sets up camp at Alston's Lake.
5/16/98 Commences the demarcation of the boundary.
6/7/98 Moves camp to Little Bayou Sara.
6/10/98 Gov. Gayoso informs Ellicott "of the hostile disposition of
the Indians, and their determination to put a stop to the demarcation of the
6/17/98 Moves camp to Big Bayou Sara.
9/1/98 Moves to Thompson's Creek.
11/17/98 Arrival at the Pearl River.
1/4/99 Takes the Governor's barge to New Orleans.
2/23/99 Gayoso & Ellicott sign 4 reports - 2 in English, 2 in Spanish
- confirming all the work done before June 7, 1798.
3/17/99 Arrival in Mobile.
4/20/99 Arrival in Pensacola.
5/8/99 Ellicott rides to Conecuh, sets up camp, and erects observatory.
7/13/99 Ascends the Chattahocha to the Line.
8/23/99 Arrival at the mouth of the Flint River.
9/17/99 Indians attack, horses are stolen, cattle pen is broken down and
the Spanish schooner is plundered. Ellicott retreats downriver.
10/7/99 Arrival at St. Mark's (Apalachy).
10/22/99 Arrival in the Keys.
12/9/99 Arrival at the village of St. Simon's (Frederica).
2/7/1800 Party sent to Okefonoke Swamp.
3/3/1800 Astronomical part of boundary complete.
5/1/1800 Arrival in Savannah, sends U.S. schooner Sally to Mobile (Ft.
Stoddert) to protect "free navigation" on strategic Mobile River.
5/9/1800 Leaves Savannah for Philadelphia.
5/18/1800 Arrival in Philadelphia.
The "Ellicott Stone" is the only known monument set by Major
Andrew Ellicott during his survey of the 31st Parallel between Spain and the U.U..
Located on the west side of the Mobile-Tensaw river delta, itself a National
Natural Landmark, the stone is 3 feet high, 2 feet wide, and half a foot thick.
It is marked on its north side "U.S. Lat. 31 1799" and the south side
"Dominos de S.M.C. CAROLUS IV. Lat. 31 1799".
In 1803 it became the initial point for "Principal Meridian East of the
Pearl River". Today it is known as the St. Stephens Meridian and serves as
the basis for all U.S. Public Land Surveys in southern Alabama and southern
Mississippi. It is also known as the St Stephens Baseline which today defines
the State boundary between Alabama and Florida.
It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and the National
Historical Engineering Landmarks. Hopefully, it will soon be placed on the SHS
Historical Sites Registry and designated a National Historic Landmark by the
National Park Service.