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~~ Welcome to the Virtual Museum of Surveying ~~ 

We hope you will enjoy your visit here while browsing our exhibits depicting the history of surveying. 

Be sure to stop by the Gift Shop and other points of interest 



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  • VIRTUAL MUSEUM consists of exhibits which cover a variety of topics related to surveying history.  As the museum grows, we will continue to develop galleries with different themed exhibits in each gallery.

  • THE GIFT SHOP is proud to promote items for sale that are offered by non-profit organizations that relate to surveying.  If you have items that you would like listed, please send information to the Curator.

  • INVITATION TO CONTRIBUTE -  This Virtual Museum of Surveying is expected to constantly grow and change.  You are welcome to submit material for an exhibit.  If you will submit text and pictures, we will be glad to create a display page.  Subject matter might include information about a specific instrument with historical importance, a company, results of a specific survey, etc.  The possibilities are really unlimited. 

  • COMMENTS - Your comments about the museum are invited.  Hopefully you will tell us how wonderful we are, but we are open to suggestions to make improvements.  Please send your comments to the Curator


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  Ingram - Hagen & Co., PLC

Surveyors ~ Engineers ~ Planners



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